Full Version: Missing tool option on Mac M1
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When I select the clone stamp or heal brush I do not have any options to modify the brush such as: Size, Angle etc. On the other side of the window above my Layers pallet I do see a parameter for Spacing crammed in there, but this is the only thing that is available and I'm not even sure its related to my clone or heal tool. Is there a way to get these options to show up? I have checked online and have found nothing yet that works, like resetting the tool, which doesn't appear to do anything.
 I'm on a Mac M1 Pro running MacOS Moneterey 12.4. 
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Showing only the layers stack won't help us.
Please next time do a full screenshot of GIMP. It will allow us to not spend time to "decipher" what you're trying to show us as it took me a while to understand that what's you wanted to show us is just a bit of the bottom of the Brushes dialog above the layer,s stack and this has nothing to do with Tool Options...


Try in the top menu Windows ➤ Dockable Dialogs ➤ Tool Options, it should appear if not open, or highlight for a second if the tab is already opened.

Thank you for the help! That did the trick. Sorry for the poor screen cap. I will do a full screen next time I run into an issue I can not figure out.