Full Version: Error overwriting images - Input/Output error
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I've been working on GIMP 2.10 (On Windows 10) for quite some time. For a few months I have had no problem overwriting images for a Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion retexture mod, but over a month or two ago I started noticing this message appearing when I try to overwrite images


I have no idea what this means, and this could be a problem outside of GIMP. Any ideas on what might be happening/How I can fix this?  Undecided
Your screenshot cannot tell really what's going on.
May be it's time for a backup.

If I recall on MS Windows, E: can be another partition or an external HDD? (sorry, more than a decade i ditched Windows thus I might not remembering well)
If it's an external storage, you may want to check the connection/wire of your HDD/SSD, if this happens with other software, time to check this partition/HDD.
Also I noticed the folder "steamapps", does steam have access to it (to update for example)? if so you might also want to look into this path.
Three possibilities:

  1. There is a problem accessing the drive (what is E:? If on a network, it can be a network glitch, if it's a fixed drive or a partition on the fixed drive, it could spell filesystem trouble.
  2. There is an authorization/privilege problem (but I would expect a different message). Is the file marked read-only somewhere? Or owned by another user?
  3. The file is in use by some other application (is the game running, or some half-dead process still running in the background)?
Have you got the right drive connected or is it full?