Full Version: Couldn't get the crop tool to crop
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I've been trying now for over an hour to crop an image, unsuccessfully.  I have a large image of a single layer. I need to crop 19 pixels from the left and right edges.  I've read and gone through each item carefully there: none apply.
I've drawn my massive selection rectangle which in the selection tool shows as being at position 19, 0 and size 6562x1050.
It looks like "the marching ants".
The layer is not locked.
There is only a single image layer, of an RGB JPEG.
I opened the Crop tool, thinking this put me into crop "mode".
I used rectangle select, and the Mode is Replace.
When I hit Enter, nothing happens; when I double-click the cursor inside the selection, no crop happens: all that happens is during the double click, the "+" of the cursor (with the scalpel icon hovering below and to its right) gets a box with 4 quadrants flashed up around it.
I thought that by selecting the crop tool, and then making a selection, that I activated the crop tool by double clicking inside the selection or hitting enter.
While writing up this question, I hit on the idea of *not* making a selection and instead drawing a rectangle with the crop tool.  Double-clicking inside that worked.  So I used Undo, carefully sized the rectangle created by the crop tool, and then did the double-click.
I still have no idea how you make an area that you've carefully defined by selection, get cropped, but at least I have the result I wanted, albeit two hours after I started.
Method 1
Use the Crop Tool as you did. A single click inside the crop area will crop the image.

Method 2
Use the Rectangle Selection tool to make the selection.
Then (Image > Crop To Selection)
Crop doesn't use the selection. You select the area crop by dragging corners, like with SelectRect, but when you strike enter, it crops instead of just making a selection.

A difference between Crop and SelectRect is that when you stop moving, Crop darkens the part of the picture that will be cut out so you can better evaluate the final result;