Full Version: Like Photo Stiching but Not Exactly
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New to GIMP. Previously used Composite Editor and Photo stitch.
So..Camera on tripod and I take a pix. Subject moves 3 ft right and I take second pix. Move three more feet and take last pix.
Now I have a 3 pix and want to 'blend-layer' them into a GIF.  Photos taken outside with woods background. Same light,no wind. Should be simple but can not find any tutorials on this process. Need shot as part of a larger project. Please oh please advise.
And thank you.
(10-11-2022, 11:24 PM)Ofnuts Wrote: [ -> ]

Thanks for the reply. Im now half way there. 
(Using GIMP 2.10)
  File-New  1920x1080
Advanced Options :Fill with TRANSPARENCY

File -Open as Layers (Add 1st image)
  File -Open as Layers (Add  2 image)
      File- Open as Layers (Add 3rd image
      (Intermediate  frames 3; Max Blur  0  Looped = X , OK

The result is only 2 of the 3 images avail and both are very faded/opaque. Think 'Back to the Future' when Marty's bro and sis
were dissolving. I've tweaked several settings but no change. 

Thought, ideas, comments or direction ?

Thank you
The Blend assumes that the bottom layer is a background and generates the blend between the other layers, so if your stack is:


Using Blend with 3 intermediate layers will generate (remember that the animation is played from bottom up):


So, a cop-out is to add an additional layer at the bottom as a dummy background, it can be anything because it will be hidden by the other 3.
To You and All Readers

Thank you for your patience and help when explaining how to layer 3 photos. Didn't 100% follow 
your last reply but I did add the 1st pix twice with no change. The issue seems to be the Opacity levels. 
After layering all 3 pix, and applying 'Animation-Blend', the 1st pix is always prominent but significantly 
faded and the other 2 layer pix are barely visible outlines.

I made tweaks to the Right Hand toolbox (ie Frame 1, Frame, 2 ect) with no change.

Under the top tool bar 'Layer' tab (between Image and Colors) there are several options but none seem to change the final image. Can't help but think there is a setting that's being overlooked. 

I can  forward the finished pix and/or a screenshot if it helps better explain the wall Im running into. 
Thanks  Kindly

It is as Ofnuts described. Your problem might be the base layer. Make it transparent. It does affect the render.



This filter is not a wonderful transition for a moving left-to-right effect, more for a zoom-in or zoom out effect.