Full Version: what is the recommended hardware configuration for GIMP?
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I do not mean the lowest hardware requirement for GIMP because we usually have better than that.

I'd like to know what the recommended hardware/system requirement for GIMP is.
I am buying a new computer soon and GIMP will be part of an important consideration because I don't plan on buying expensive and high-end one but at the same time I'd like to get something good enough for GIMP so that it is not going to lag, freeze or crash.
Laptop or desktop? And how important is color accuracy? For instance, for a laptop the most important part would be the display, if you use id to edit photos.
I have been able to simplify this question. I use Gimp for animation and also use 'professional' video editing so I need plenty of ram. Gimp is ram dependent for large/many images.
Solution? Gamer PC - later the better Smile

I now only use Gigabyte or MSI motherboards because they are made in a democracy not using slave labor. That's just me, a lot of people like dictatorships Smile