Full Version: Deleting one layer from image
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I am really new at any kind of graphics programs.  I am using gimp 2.10.32.  I open as layers an image with .psd extension.  Gimp converts the Color profile.  The image contains 159 layers.  About midway in the layers is one called text which puts some text on the image.  I would like to eliminate that layer and leave all other layers intact. I have worked at this for a couple of days and haven’t seen how to do it.
Have you tried making the layer active with a left click and then right click and select delete?  Or when the layer is active select delete from the layer menu?

You can also use the big red cross at the bottom of the layers list:


But if deleting a layer is easy, recovering it can be difficult without undoing other work, so it can be more practical to just make it invisible by clicking its eye icon:

Unfortunately I don’t even know how to get to the layers list depicted in the above post. That certainly looks like it would solve my problem if I were on that screen.

I found it. Thanks very much
Dockable Dialogs under the windows menu
