Full Version: Is There a Auto-Save as .xcf when Saving a File to Another Image Format?
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Looked through preferences and searched the forum for "auto-save" & "xcf" and came up dry, but basically wondering if wheb saving an image file *to jpg, png, et al.) is there an option to also automatically save the file as .xcf in a user designated folder?

I think I'm gonna get a no, but just in case I'll keep my fingers crossed. Thanks in advance
only 'save' is XCF that I know of. If you export your image to another format you are still asked if you want to save the image before you close it. Other than that unless there is a plugin or script for automation
Quote:...snip... is there an option to also automatically save the file as .xcf in a user designated folder?

If you go to this thread starting here:

there is a link to a plugin and a little further on a short YT video on usage.

At the end I posted a different plugin which is a bit more sophisticated but maybe not so easy to use initially.  That is the one that can set up a user designated folder.

Maybe not what you want. Then there is this A plugin Works the other way from your question, saves a .xcf with option to export the same as a jpeg.