Full Version: Gimpscripter plug in for 2.10?
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Hello all, I'm a new programmer and somewhat experienced GIMP user. After doing some research into Python Fu I was excited to read about this Gimpscripter plug-in. But when I install it, it shows up in the filter bar - I click on it - nothing happens. I can't seem to figure out if I've installed it wrong or if this plug-in doesn't work on 2.10. 

Has anyone here used Gimpscripter on GIMP 2.10? 
Any tips on why the plug-in might show up but the GUI isn't showing up?

I've extracted the Gimpscripter files like this

Any help is greatly appreciated!
The GitHub site hasn't been updated in 12 years, and mentions Gimp 2.6....

This said, works for me (menu entry is at the bottom of Filters), but:
  • The main file is
  • The produced code isn't really a good example if you want to write your own code.
  • I can't find a good use case for this thing. If you are a non-programming user, the plugin uses alien things (because it is wired into the API, not the UI, and there is no none-to-one mapping between the two), and if you are a programming user, it doesn't support a modicum of logic (if/else, loops)
I can get that working in linux. Very picky about where the plugin goes. gimpscripter folder and in the default user profile.

Not able to get it working in Win10 / Gimp 2.10.32 As you say the GUI does not show. It uses glade, which is there in Gimp but it might be the glade dll version. No error messages at all.

@Ofnuts Kind of worked, more of a macro than anything else. Isn't bootchk one of the Gimp devs ? edit: Lloyd Konneker