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I am looking for a tutorial how to remove Vignette effect using Gimp. I found a very good plugin
It works perfectly with Irfan View. But when I put it in Gimp it opens but only a small part of the image is displayed.
So perhaps you know a better method to get rid of vignetting? Smile
Not too sure about a better method but you could try an overlay, 
A transparent layer in grain merge mode. 
A transparent to white radial gradient.
Adjust the gradient to suit. You get a real time view of the effect as you adjust it.

Another way;

Try Filters -> Distorts -> Lens distortion. 

 A bit strange in that the Brighten slider does nothing until one of the other parameters is in force. Drop the Edge value down a little and bump the Brighten slider up.

The second method works. I think it should be improved by Gimp authors (when we set Edge value down the picture is slightly cut).
And there should be a possibility to use 8bf filters like in the days of 32-bit systems