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Hi GIMPies!

Is it possible to change the splash screen of gimp into an image you choose yourself? I think it would be cool to personalize gimp.
I don't find something in the settings but I m not afraid to change some files if somebody can explain.
I don't know if it's possible Blush 
I use Windows.
Yes it is possible
This is mine for the PPA (I have a different one for the appimage)


You need to create a folder called "splashes" at C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10\
> instruction about where to create the "splashes" folder on the Microsoft's Windows system there >

then you put your image inside that folder


Restart GIMP and enjoy your new splash-screen Wink

This question reminds me that I need to update my splash-screen as well  Big Grin
