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I have just upgraded to the most recent gimp that is stable 2.10 i think and i have some plugins like redfield and i can't get the plugins to install what am i doing wrong i have them in app data but they aren't showing up pls help
also is possible to use 86 .8bf in it
Read the article in the previous post. The link to the pspi.exe plugin is gone but you can get it here:

As far as I know that is the last 1.07 version, nothing more recent. It is a 32 bit plugin

pspi.exe goes in your Gimp user plugins folder C:\Users\"yourname"\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10\plug-ins

You need a separate folder for psplugins. Run Filters -> Photoshop Plug-in Settings to add the path to that folder.

Edit: An example of setting the path:

Note: pspi.exe is an ancient plugin. Do not expect newer PS plugins to work. Some old .8bf plugins might work. Here is a 2006 Redfield plugin from my archive.  When working the .8BF plugins show in the Filters menu.


You might want to consider the gimp_gmic_qt plugin as a substitute. Easy to install, it has hundreds of filters. Maybe a little work to find the effect you want.
thanks that worked didn't realize i needed the pspi