Full Version: edit colour on all layers at once
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Hi everyone. 
im in the process of creating a project. and i have 100's of laters...

and id like to change the grey colour i used in all of the layers and change it to a more black colour.

is there a way to find and replace all those greys on all layers and change them all at once?

any help would be great.

Depends on the image and the color... Very many small images, all the same size? Make them a sprite sheet, edit the sprite sheet, split them back. See my ofn-layer-tiles script for joining/splitting the layers.

Otherwise you can edit the color by applying another layer with a blend mode. If you do so you can use my ofn-interleave-layers to apply such layer to all layers with a specified blend mode. In particular, applying a layer in Color erase mode replaces the color by transparency, and adding a layer filled with the new color below the edited layer fills the transparency with the new color.

Both scripts are here.