Full Version: Gradient Stops Not Spread Out
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Not too long ago (months) I could make a linear gradient of, say, seven colors spread across the width or height of a project simply by drawing a line from the top to the bottom of the layer. Since a week ago, that has changed: instead of the color stops (square thingies) being spread across most of the line I draw, all the squares are bunched together in one spot.

Is there a setting to fix that, or is that just how it is now?

In the attachments (if they are there), "A" shows the full screen as I attempt to make a gradient the height of the box.

"B" shows a close-up of the "color stops" all clumped together.

"C" is what it's supposed to do in the first place; however, this one was done by reducing the view to 5% so I could extend the line way off the page, thus spreading the clump of color stops across the layer.

I have, in that way, solved the problem, but I was wondering if anyone had a solution for the problem besides working around it.


I should mention that Pic "B" is a close-up of the screen in Pic "A." And I should have enlarged the image in Pic "C" as it shows the full-sized graphic but at 5% view; even though the color stops look the same as in B, if it were enlarged you would be able to see the space between them as they covered the entire graphic.
Set the offset to 0

(07-20-2023, 11:45 PM)Ofnuts Wrote: [ -> ]Set the offset to 0

10 second video

Thanks, folks. Of course that works. A little knowledge...
A little more is at , but you all probably already knew that.

Thanks, again.