Full Version: Suddenly I can't clear the background
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I was clearing the background using fuzzy tool and command+X and all of a sudden it's not working. I also tried Command+k, edit and cut, edit and clear, and I tried the eraser. The eraser wasn't working then it started work. The alpha channel is turned on. Before this happened fuzzy tool just quit working. I tried to select and the marking ants would show up but would disappear when I let go of the mouse. Then it started working but I can clear the selection.  I don't get any error messages or anything. Thanks in advance for any responses.
It does not stop to work "suddenly" Cool
Try to NOT hit some shortcut key on your keyboard while dragging the fuzzy tool around.
Your screenshot shows that your fuzzy select tool is in "Intersect" mode certainly via a shortcut key Wink

(08-11-2023, 10:42 PM)earthbound_misfit Wrote: [ -> ]I was clearing the background using fuzzy tool and command+X and all of a sudden it's not working. I also tried Command+k, edit and cut, edit and clear, and I tried the eraser. The eraser wasn't working then it started work. The alpha channel is turned on. Before this happened fuzzy tool just quit working. I tried to select and the marking ants would show up but would disappear when I let go of the mouse. Then it started working but I can clear the selection.  I don't get any error messages or anything. Thanks in advance for any responses.

I would also suggest before clearing your background to grow your pixels by 1 or 2 (depending on the size of the picture). This should remove the extra pixels around your picture. (White in this case)