Full Version: Color negative to digital print
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I have a few color negative  I would like to make pictures on computer, They are older color negative from a long time ago .My wife passed away Angel I found these and a few of them are of her and I would love to see them. Is there a way to do this on the computer? they are 35 mm negatives . Thanks in advance for any help
You're speaking about film?

scan your negative with a scanner or take a picture of it with a light at the background.
A bit like in this video >

then once in GIMP go to Colors > Invert.

Then instead of opening the Curves like in the video above, in GIMP open the Levels (Colors > Levels...) and do like the guy with Photoshop > click on a the white pipette and find something that you think should be white on the photo (same for the gray, if white does not works well -> Reset between trials)

Or you can just try the "Auto Input Levels" option in first place, it can work well and it's simple to use

Screenshot below:
> Left the "auto" button, might works well,
> right the 2 button to pick white or gray on a picture
Easy way to find the grey in level (for the grey pipet) :
Or, maybe someone will process the negatives for you and you can ask for them to be put on a disk or USB. Then you can save the files to your computer as well as have the copies on a device.
They still sell film so I am assuming some people still process them.
(09-14-2023, 08:12 PM)sssail3 Wrote: [ -> ]I have a few color negative  ....snip...I would love to see them. Is there a way to do this on the computer? they are 35 mm negatives . Thanks in advance for any help

If you really treasure them, send them off to a photolab for prints 

In Gimp

Really it all depends on the colour film manufacturer, plus the quality when you scan it. However you could try in Gimp 2.10

Tools -> GEGL Operation -> (and in the drop down menu) Negative Darkroom.

This example is a really poor capture, I had to photograph the negative against a window in really poor light conditions. You really need a dedicated scanner or a lightbox.


Most adjustment on Exposure and Cyan with a bit of Yellow. A split view to show the original on the right.