Full Version: How do I get this grainy scanned text effect?
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Like in the picture attached. For the text it seems to look a bit smudged with some shadow and blur but not sure how this was done.
You can get close using:

(1) Put the text on a white background.
(2) Apply Filters -> Noise -> RGB Noise. Play with the sliders to suit.
(3) The blur might be intended or accidental. For a small blur use Filters -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur and enter a 0.5 value manually.

If you want to distort the text a bit:
  • Get a selection from the text layer
  • Select > Grow by 1 pixel (to compensate a slight shrinkage in the text step
  • Select > Distort with Threshold: 254 and low values elsewhere
  • Add a new lawyer and bucket fill the selection
  • Perhaps add a very light Gaussian blur (Size: 0.50 - 1.00), and play with contrast in the alpha channel