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Hello, I have finally jumped out of the Adobe atmosphere and parachuted into the Gimp landscape, I will try and learn the ways as best I can for an old fart but if someone could please enlighten me as to a way to dehaze an image, I am not sure.
I have only ever been an occasional photoshopper and will now be an occasional graphic image manipulator so I don't know many shortcuts and have always been self taught, my methods of any processing have probably always been the long wrong way but usually get somewhere in the vicinity of what I am after.
Thank you for any help you may offer.
Three ways I can think of. 
two in gimp alone...Contrast or multiply layer mode - duplicate your image and use that layer mode.
If neither of these works for the image try the plugin for gimp, GMICqt's. Yes, there is a special filter for dehaze in there.  Under 'details'
You can download GMICqt here if you don't have it yet.

welcome to the world of Gimp
Thank you I will have a look
It can depend on your starting point. If you are using RAW images then these are imported into Gimp using a delegate, officially either Rawtherapee or Darktable. AFAIK these can de-haze before sending the image into Gimp.

For other formats, tif , jpeg .. then the gimp_gmic_qt plugin has two dehaze filters. Download is