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Are we able to save a processed image as a j peg?
In Gimp only Gimp native format (something.xcf) is "Saved" Other formats including something.jpeg / something.jpg are "Exported" that is File -> Export see:

If you are starting with a jpeg then you can Export As and the filename extension remains jpeg.

If starting with some other file type, but want a jpg then File -> Export As and change the filename suffix to .jpg

If a new image, then the default is png. File -> Export and all you have to do is change the .png suffix to .jpg

If you always want a jpg and not a png then the default is changed in Edit -> Preferences -> Image Import & Export
To put it bluntly. Only if you 'export'. It still saves it.
What is the difference between Jpeg and png?
A very rough and quick basic explanation if you don't want to read Wikipedia (click on the links)

PNG is a lossless format and and has an alpha channel, in other words, you don't loose data even when compressed and support transparency
.. Cons : big file size

JPG has no alpha channel and looses image data as it compresses, in other words, no transparency in this format, usually exporting it transparency will be replaced by background color in GIMP, light size > download faster on webpages
.. Cons : more you compress less good looking is your image
Let me plug this excellent tutorial: Angel Angel