Full Version: No chance to save a picture into original *.jpg file and format?
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A frequent situation: I load a *.jpg images and applied some changes.

Then I press the good old standard key combination <Ctrl> + S to save it into the original *.jpg file.

As I noticed I can save such images only into *.xcf format.
If I want to save it into *.jpg or *.png format I have to export it with  an annoying intermediate dialog
with some additional required mouse clicks.

Is there no way to swap the meanings?

Ctrl+S IS the standard to save something into original file.
And export to save it to something different.

Having to remember the different meaning in Gimp interrupts my workflow and is user unfriendly.

The split between Save and Export came in with Gimp 2.8 precisely to prevent users losing work, layers / selections / using your favourite shortcut. It is not the only program like this, the audio editor Audacity is similar.

Nothing to stop you re-assigning the shortcut


...and an even better option for you is a plugin see: then assign a shortcut to that.
When you open an image, you can re-export it to the file you loaded it from using Alt-Shift-E (also File ➤ Overwrite).

You don't "save" anything to JPEG because when doing so you lose layers, selections, paths... In the early days of this forum (or its predecessor), panicked posts about lost work were a frequent show (and somehow more frequent than posts complaining about the current behavior...).

JPEG, GIFs, PNG are not edition formats, they are publication formats (if you create a document with Word, you don't save it to PDF).

this said, you can change the shortcuts (Edit > Keyboard shortcuts) and there are even plugins to reinstate the "Exporting-is-Saving" behavior but they aren't used much because sooner or later this makes you lose work (unless you only do trivial changes but then why are you using Gimp).
I use the overwrite option in the file menu.