Full Version: Management has the Peter principle, maths have Petr's miracle.
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That was interesting. It reminded of an old book on numerology I bought at a garage sale by Cheiro. His technique was very simple. His first book only used the day you were born and nothing else. The numbers are from 1 - 9. I guess somebody born on the 22nd would be a 4 and somebody born on the 14th would be a 5. There is descriptions of the numbers here.

I think if you believe in anything like this it starts to materialize in some way. I've noticed there is a big difference between the odd and even numbers. I think the ancient Chinese who wrote the I Ching also knew this.

Some dates are interesting like the 9th of the 9th 1999. Many Chinese go gambling on days like that Smile
(06-10-2024, 11:32 AM)Tas_mania Wrote: [ -> ]That was interesting. It reminded of an old book on numerology I bought at a garage sale by Cheiro. His  technique was very simple. His first book  only used the day you were born and nothing else. The numbers are from 1 - 9. I guess somebody born on the 22nd would be a 4 and somebody born on the 14th would be a 5. There is descriptions of the numbers here.

I think if you believe in anything like this it starts to materialize in some way. I've noticed there is a big difference between the odd and even numbers. I think the ancient Chinese who wrote the I Ching also knew this.

Some dates are interesting like the 9th of the 9th 1999. Many Chinese go gambling on days like that Smile

When you sum repetitively the digits of a number until you get something between 1 and 9, what you get is the remainder of the division of that number by 9 (or that number modulo 9). This property is the core of "casting out nines". And yes, the "0" being the identity element for the addition, this gives the same result whether you add zeroes to the left of not,  so 1/1/2034 and 01/01/2024 yield the sale result, as does 2024/01/01 by the way.

Of course when you says this, numerology is much less fun and looks more like some arbitrary way to assign a pseudo-random number to someone  (in fact this is a technique known in computer science has "hashing").
Thanks for the explanation on that Ofnuts. I hope others find it useful. I have a female friend born on the 6th of the month who kept bees. Bees make hexagon-shaped cells. I'm sure there are plenty of people who keep bees who are not born on the 6th day Smile

Today I'm wondering what Nostradamus predicted for a 2024 French election? I saw he made predictions for 2024 but wrote them in such a way they could have different interpretations.

I think Nostradamus life was interesting. He was a doctor of medicine during the Bubonic plague. The plague was spread by fleas and rodents. Those of us alive today descended from people who survived plagues, wars and misadventure. We all have a right to be here but only where we belong Smile