;define the main function, i.e. name of the fct. and input parameters (define (script-fu-pbs-and-slab inFile1 inHeight1 inFile2 inHeight2 ) (let* ( ;schaffe ein neues, leeres Bild, dazu... (imwi 1445) ;... zuerst die Variablen für Breite... (imhi 1112) ;... und Höhe. (imim (car (gimp-image-new ;dann das eigentliche Bild als "Variable" erzeugen imwi imhi RGB ) ) ) ;jetzt die Ebenen erzeugen, zuerst die proj. BS (pbs ;nenne die Variable(= neue Ebene pbs) (car (gimp-file-load-layer ;lade die entsprechende Datei hoch... 0 ;... im interaktiven Modus... imim ;... in das zuvor erzeugte Bild. inFile1 ;hier wird der Dateipfad übergeben ) ) ) ;jetzt das gleiche Spektakel für die Slab Bandstruktur (slab (car (gimp-file-load-layer 0 imim inFile2 ) ) ) (sel-float) (scale) (legend) (title) (hspoints) (blubb) ) ;end of our local variables (gimp-image-add-layer imim pbs 0) ;füge die erzeugte Ebene pbs dem Bild hinzu (gimp-image-add-layer imim slab 0) ;füge die erzeugte Ebene slab dem Bild hinzu (gimp-rect-select imim 0 0 255 900 2 0 0) (gimp-edit-cut slab) (set! sel-float (car(gimp-edit-paste slab 0))) (set! scale (car(gimp-floating-sel-to-layer sel-float))) (gimp-selection-none imim) (gimp-rect-select imim 360 0 730 145 2 0 0) (gimp-edit-cut slab) (set! sel-float (car(gimp-edit-paste slab 0))) (set! title (car(gimp-floating-sel-to-layer sel-float))) (gimp-selection-none imim) (gimp-rect-select imim 1091 0 380 177 2 0 0) (gimp-edit-cut slab) (set! sel-float (car(gimp-edit-paste slab 0))) (set! legend (car(gimp-floating-sel-to-layer sel-float))) (gimp-selection-none imim) (gimp-rect-select imim 252 910 1114 45 2 0 0) (gimp-edit-cut slab) (set! sel-float (car(gimp-edit-paste slab 0))) (set! hspoints (car(gimp-floating-sel-to-layer sel-float))) (gimp-selection-none imim) (gimp-rect-select imim 300 300 60 60 2 0 0) (gimp-edit-cut slab) (gimp-edit-paste slab FALSE) (set! blubb (car(gimp-image-get-floating-sel imim))) (gimp-floating-sel-to-layer blubb) (plug-in-autocrop-layer 0 imim blubb) (gimp-layer-scale slab 1245 1113 0 ) (gimp-layer-translate slab -86 -92) (plug-in-autocrop-layer 0 imim slab) (plug-in-colortoalpha 1 imim slab '(255 255 255) ) (gimp-display-new imim) ;lasse das Gesamtkunstwerk anzeigen ;(gimp-message inFile1) ;gebe eine Nachricht aus ) ) ;register the script/function in the GIMP database ;1st: call the registration function (script-fu-register ;2nd: list the 7 obligatory parameters "script-fu-pbs-and-slab" ;func name "Slab und PBS" ;menu label "Creates an overlay of the slab bands onto the projected band structure." ;description "Berti" ;author "copyright 2017, Berti" ;copyright notice "August 28, 2017" ;date created "" ;image type that the script works on ;3rd: add your own parameters that are required by your function SF-FILENAME "PBS-file" "/media/TOSHIBA EXT/Susanne/CeCoIn5/" SF-VALUE "Resolution" "150" ;resolution of the slab pic SF-FILENAME "Slab-file" "/media/TOSHIBA EXT/Susanne/CeCoIn5/" SF-VALUE "Resolution" "150" ;resolution of the pbs pic ) ;finsh registration by creating a menu entry at the path given below (script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-pbs-and-slab" "/File/Create") ;eventual code ;open PBS as layers with particular resolution