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Draw along curve/selecion with warp tool
(02-14-2020, 09:59 AM)rich2005 Wrote:
(02-12-2020, 10:16 PM)sulu00 Wrote: I have many different pictures, but usually the size is approximately 200 ppi or 3000 pixels wide. Usually 1-1.5 mm of margin is more than enough. Pictures contain flowers, animals, cartoon animals etc. I try to keep the outline simple, without meanders, but it's definitely not a basic shape like a circle or a square Smile

Tried all the usual clever stuff, resynthesizer functions, gmic inpaint options, various clever constrained blurs. Not a lot of success.

New day another try. This might work, depends on your images. Using an old script from RobA  filltrans.scm The script attached since the site is often down but it did originally come from:

Unzip and put in your user profile scripts folder.

This a quick demo, removed the background for this but stroking a selection with the eraser tool should work, as long as you can get some transparent area. Again depends on your images.   Duration 2 minutes

Wow, I don't know what to say. This is awesome, and exactly a thing that I was looking for. Thank you a lot. Gotta test that on my pictures, but it's really promising. You are my idol Smile

Messages In This Thread
RE: Draw along curve/selecion with warp tool - by sulu00 - 02-16-2020, 08:08 AM

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