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Cannot reinstall Gimp on different drive (resolved)
Hi, longtime Gimp user, 10+ years, very casually though.

The SSD where Gimp was installed recently died (Christmas). Today, I tried to install Gimp on a different drive and the installation fails. It is trying to install Gimp on the no longer existent drive, and there is no option to install it on the new drive.

Before you tell me to "uninstall the old Gimp" as per the pinned instructions on this forum, Windows uninstaller fails, of course, because the old SSD does not exist. The old SSD is dead.

Therefore, since the Gimp installer lacks such a basic function as drive selection, it appears I will need to spend time in the registry. I am not a computer genius, so yay. Great design choice.

So could someone with a bigger brain than me please explain step by step how to remove the old Gimp from the registry so that the Gimp installer can then install to the correct drive?

Thank you.

Messages In This Thread
Cannot reinstall Gimp on different drive (resolved) - by EffiRain - 01-22-2022, 06:56 PM

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