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(06-09-2020, 10:45 AM)rich2005 Wrote: [ -> ]This from the Gimp developers about Gimp 3 and plugins

Quote:    tested and work well: Python 3, Lua, Javascript and Vala.
   (Note: Python 2 is also still working, but considering that this
   language is end-of-life since 2020, we don't really care).

Fair enough, Python3 and the rest of the cryptic stuff.

What I really object to is we don't really care   That shows real disdain for their regular user base.

As I understand it:
  • AFAIK good ol' Scheme scripts are still supported
  • JavaScript is a rather popular language, good addition
  • Vala is a language specific to GTK/Glib, it's for compiled plugins (so like C/C++, you'll have to compile for your various targets)
  • Lua is an embedded language, IMHO it could be done without. Lua would have been a good replacement for script-fu at the time (same goal of small-footprint embedded language)
Adding languages on one hand is fine, but it also fragments the developer community, and also mean that Windows versions will have to come loaded with runtime support for all these languages.

When it comes to Python the issue is a bit more complicated:
  • Python V2 is obsolete. It will be hard to install on future Linux distros, and is no longer maintained. Good riddance.
  • Porting V2 code to V3 is quite easy, there are even scripts for this, so moving to V3 is in general a good thing.
  • However in Gimp there are two kinds of Python. True Python plugins that do everything themselves (including the UI) and python-fu "scripts" that use the  auto-generated dialogs and the PDB interface that mimics the functionality available to script-fu.
  • The first kind is still supported (even if Gimp V3 will likely change many things),
  • But the developers aren't to keen about keeping the python-fu interface around (even if there is an outside effort to port it). On of their point is that each time some fun,ctionality is added it has to be explicitly added to Python-fu, while it can also be discovered by "introspection" using the more general interface.
  • AFAIK Gimp3 will also feature language-agnostic UI elements (selectors for fonts, brushes...).
What I don't like much is that all this seems to raise the bar quite a lot. "Sunday coders" are a bit forgotten.
Here's hoping that when with do get Python 3, the developers continue to include the Tkinter module so I we can do the UI using tcl/tk as I find it slightly easier than pygtk.

Thanks for that common sense Wink I looked at their example of Vala and thought ...oh..well...

quote - Porting V2 code to V3 is quite easy, there are even scripts for this
I sort of guessed that might be the case, With the large number of old Python2 plugins in use but otherwise abandoned by their creators you will be in great demand to give advice.

quote - Lua would have been a good replacement for script-fu at the time
Script-fu syntax is abysmal. I just came across one of your comments about 'your son / university / LISP' which made me smile.

quote - What I don't like much is that all this seems to raise the bar quite a lot. "Sunday coders" are a bit forgotten
"Sunday coders"? I do not even manage to get into that elite group Wink

I need to get out more, lock-down or no-lock-down
(06-09-2020, 01:09 PM)Kevin Wrote: [ -> ]Here's hoping that when with do get Python 3, the developers continue to include the Tkinter module so I we can do the UI using tcl/tk as I find it slightly easier than pygtk.

On Linux, it doesn't depend on Gimp. Of course, if you want to write something portable across Linux/OSX/Windows, this is another matter, but AFAIK there is only PyGTK built-in...
It seems we're back to the broken Tkinter on Windows at least - you can import the Tkinter module but not use it. The installation is missing stuff. I complained about it in a 2.8 version and I think it got fixed, but looks broken again.
Sorry, I lost the tread: so what is now the solution for the original problem? I also have a "procedure not found" error for the resythesize plug-ins although I have of course the executable files in the plug-in directory.
I'm running Ubuntu 20.10 with preinstalled GIMP 2.10.20. I think my Ubuntu supports Python 3.
Ubuntu 20.04 (focal) has moved to python3. Unfortunately Gimp is still on python2 and while the binary resynthesizer works the associated python (heal selection etc) do not .

What do you mean by 'preinstalled Gimp 2.10.20' ?

The default from the repo for 'buntu 'focal' is Gimp 2.10.18, so it is not that one.
If you do install that then see: to add the required Gimp packages. That will not work with the following.

Is it a ubuntu 'snap' version? - in which case I do not know. My advice use something else other than 'snap'

Is it the 'flatpak' version ? In that case there is a flatpak resynthesizer package. see:
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