Full Version: AppImage 2.10.25 & G'MIC 3.0.0
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Hi, Rich.  It's that time again.  Wink  If you remember, you are the one that fixed/modified G'MIC-Qt for Gimp 2.8 - Linux 64 bits - 2.9.7 and offered it for download so that I could have the latest G'MIC working with the latest AppImage 2.10.25 that aferrero created.

Now that he has quit making AppImage's, I am stuck with 2.10.25.  I don't wish to use Linux Mint 20.2's FlatPak architecture to keep Gimp up to date either.  But, I would very much like to be able to use G'MIC 3.0.0 with the AppImage I have, if that is at all possible and not too much trouble for you to facilitate.

As always, thanks for helping and I'm anxious to see what your answer is or any suggestions as to my best path forward as far as updating Gimp and G'MIC.
Using Mint 20 and the appimage.
The list is here: and at present the latest gimp_gmic_qt-301 :

For an appimage the usual, unzip & put it in ~/.config/GIMP-AppImage/2.10/plug-ins/ (remember to remove the old one if installed)

I do have a kubuntu 20.04 laptop and Gimp 2.10.25 + gmic looks like this:

I too am not keen on the Gimp flatpak either but it does have one advantage over the PPA, you do not have to dicker-about adding old python support and there is now a dedicated flatpak gimp_gmic_qt.

Having said that I do use the PPA Wink now at Gimp 2.10.30 (and uses the regular plugin from
Thanks, Rich; it worked great.  I guess I will eventually go to the PPA as it seems all of us AppImage users will eventually be left way behind.  I hate to add even a PPA though, just out of principle.  Smile  The AppImage is so clean and contained and compact; I'll probably stick with it 'till Gimp 3.0 arrives anyway.  It makes it easier to wait now that I have the latest G'MIC.

[Image: 2022-01-01-05-12.png]