Full Version: Coordinate System in Inkscape
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Quick question about Inkscape, the tiled clones dialogue and the coordinate system it uses.

Lets say i clone a square 10 Rows x 10 Columns, with a
Shift Y of 10% per Row and Shift X of 10% per Column.

I also want a stair effect per column of one square:
Shift Y per Column 100 + 10 for the gap compensation = 110%.

It works as expected, but when i look at the coordinate system, i get the impression something is wrong.


Negative displacements are to the left and to the bottom.


By that logic, i should have used:
Shift Y -10% per Row
Shift Y -110% per Column

But that gives me something entirely different...

Where is the mistake in my thinking ??
Or is my coordinate system the wrong way around ?

It seems the Inkscape coordinate system is set up this way. Some of my search engine results indicate so.

(12-16-2017, 12:54 PM)Espermaschine Wrote: [ -> ]It seems the Inkscape coordinate system is set up this way. Some of my search engine results indicate so.

Yes, it is, same as Gimp, and same as in most graphics applications, and graphics APIs. A side effect is that the trigonometric direction is clockwise...

An explanation is that in the real world, the fixed point of a visual element is very often is top-left corner, so when you resize it it doesn't change the coordinates of things in contains if they are relative to that corner. Using the bottom left corner would require to adjust objects coordinates to keep them as the same place when you enlarge the visual element.
Thanks ofnuts !