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Inverting a brush
Hey, I have a quick question concerning the regular brushes, specifically those with hardness 25, 50, 75. Is it possible to invert them? As in instead of them going from their colour to fading radially, having them go from transparent to their colour?

I tried the reverse option in the tool options/dynamic options and to reverse the gradient but it did nothing.


Picture is of the kind of brush I'm talking about for clarity, I'd like to have it go from say transparent to black, as opposed to the normal colour into fading.

Quote:... I have a quick question concerning the regular brushes, specifically those with hardness 25, 50, 75. Is it possible to invert them?

hmm...quick answer is no. These are parametric (.vbr) brushes which are not an image, more a mathematical description of shape.

You can make a greyscale bitmap brush, where white is transparent, black opaque, and grey(s) semi-transparent.  That does not work either, a brush is essentially a stamp and painting at the set spacing over-paints the preceding image.

Various things are possible, seem to recall a script that applies a gradient between two paths, however using basic Gimp.
Paint in a selection, using the quick mask Select -> Toggle Quick Mask or Shift-Q or the little icon bottom left on the Gimp window. Use a white brush.
Toggle quick mask off, fill the selection with a gradient  in one of the shaped modes.



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