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How to add dublicate image in a file ?
      I am using GIMP 2.10.22 . I have created a thumbnail. The problem is I want to add a picture image of the hard disk two times. For example, I want to show Hard Disk-1 and Hard Disk -2 (Both images will be the same).
The hard disk -1 is on the left side I want to show the same image of the hard disk on the right side. I am attaching the source file herewith. The image of the hard is I get
Please guide me that how may I do it?

Attached Files
.xcf   Hard Disk.xcf (Size: 898.2 KB / Downloads: 313)
(04-20-2022, 01:56 AM)gardenair Wrote: Hi,
      I am using GIMP 2.10.22 . I have created a thumbnail. The problem is I want to add a picture image of the hard disk two times. For example, I want to show Hard Disk-1 and Hard Disk -2 (Both images will be the same).
The hard disk -1 is on the left side I want to show the same image of the hard disk on the right side. I am attaching the source file herewith. The image of the hard is I get
Please guide me that how may I do it?

1) Duplicate the "MBR" layer (Select this layer and click the button on the screenshot, it will duplicate)
2) Select and Move (drag it or use the arrow key on your keyboard) the new created "MBR Copy" layer to its place.


On a side note, you can also do a Layer ➤ Transform ➤ Flip Horizontally on this layer, everything and the writing on the hard drive will be inverted, though, and you will need to unlock pixel on that duplicated layer before or you cannot flip it. But that might not be what you're interested in...
Well, I try it once again to solve the issue. Following are the steps.

1- I use the default (Background layer) and then fill the colour with the bucket fill tool.
2- Add a new layer and assign it a name.i.e Hard Disk-1
3- Select the Background layer and then File...>Open...>Path of the image file
4-The file image is open, then Edit.....>Copy
5-Click on the Background layer at the top right side because it is not visible on the right side layer section.
6- The Background layer is selected, now I press "Ctrl +v".A copy of the image was created ,I just drag it on right side.A doted box was with the image .
7-As I did on the right side of the layer portion GIMP automatically created a new layer with the name "Floating Selection".
8-Now I click on "Background Layer" but GIMP shows a message at the bottom side "Cannot select an item while a floating section is active." 

Please guide me that why this message appears? Why floating layer was created automatically and what is its purpose?

9- By clicking on the main convas the floating layer (3rd layer) disapper and only two layers was on the layer panel. The reason I don't know.

Kindly view the screen short.


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.xcf   Floating Layer-1.xcf (Size: 467.89 KB / Downloads: 152)
Thanks for your kind reply. Well, I also try with your method and its worked fine. With  Layer ➤ Transform ➤ Flip Horizontally it only
flip the actual image.
[attachment=7824]What you need to do after having a floating layer is one of two things. Either click on the 'new layer' or 'Anchor' Usually green icons at the bottom of your layers dialogue

Um that should have read " When you have a floating selection"
If you want to move your image around still make it a 'new layer', otherwise anchor it


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