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Anti-Aliasing on white text causes green outline
Known problem... This is due to the library Gimp uses (libcairo) using sub-pixel rendering when it shouldn't do so. Two workarounds:

  1. disable sub-pixel rendering at the system level (this is some option in your desktop settings, for KDE it is a sub-option of "Fonts>Font>Use Antialiasing". Whether you can live without it is up to you Smile
  2. fix the problem when it appears (it is visible mostly for white text over a dark background), replace the text layer with:
    •  Layer>Text to path
    • Select>From path
    •  bucket fill the selection.
Now, Gimp was never meant to be a text processor. If you need goo text support, see Scribus... (or even some LibreOffice component (Impress/Draw))

Messages In This Thread
RE: Anti-Aliasing on white text causes green outline - by Ofnuts - 08-21-2018, 07:15 AM

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