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Opening images through context menu: Images not in alphabetical order
Thanks for looking into this.

I have switched to loading images through Gimp for now, as it's the easiest solution.
I tested drag-and-dropping images into Gimp from Explorer. Drag-and-drop does not cause the same issue; the images are loaded in the proper order. It only works in an empty Gimp window though, otherwise the dragged images are added as layers instead of separate images.

I can try to replicate my issues on a Winows 10 computer later today. Since Windows 7 is a "dead" OS I realise it's not a priority issue unless it occurs in Win 10 as well.

I'm on a laptop, using the laptop's own monitor, and I use Single-Window Mode in Gimp.

The files I'm loading are in a folder with a lot of other files waiting to be processed.

I don't know if this could be relevant, but here goes:
The first time I tried loading a bunch of images from the Gimp menu by pressing Open in the File menu, I noticed that the files in the little explorer window were also not in alphabetical order. Unfortunately I didn't stop to look at what order they were in, but maybe the default in Gimp is also the "natural" order that you mention Ofnuts. I pressed the Name header to sort the images alphabetically before selecting a bunch of them to open. This was yesterday, so I was using the same Gimp version.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Opening images through context menu: Images not in alphabetical order - by Pantersnigeln - 10-26-2020, 10:34 AM

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