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Export to .ico not working correctly
(03-28-2022, 12:21 PM)rich2005 Wrote: Going back to the beginning Wink

Quote:...I have merged several layers into one layer, and I'm simply choosing that single, merged layer to export. (Not even trying to do the multi-size thing.)

When something like that occurs, reduce to the simplest image.
Go to the top of the layer stack, make a Layer > New-from-visible
Drag that layer (Visible)  into the toolbox to open as a new single layer image.
Does that look like your required icon ?
Export that as a Windows .icon
Does that look as expected ? If not, how are you viewing the .icon

Right - I think we're on the same page - almost.  I have used New-from-visible to create the desired final image/layer etc.  And I do have a process to generate what I'm after --- So, that's cool... 

I guess I'm not sure about that 3rd step - i.e., what you mean by "... into the toolbox to open as...".  It sounds to me like we may still be creating a separate file in order to accomplish the export to an .ico file.  Not a big deal at all - but it just seems inconsistent to require that step - *only* for windows icons - but not for other file types.  I hope that is making sense but maybe I'm still not getting something. 

It would be so straightforward to just have an "Include" checkbox on each layer *within* the export options window - defaulted to True for what is visible.  Then I can have one Gimp project file, and from that project, I can directly generate an .ico file with whatever layers I so choose - during export -without creating additional files that I then have to save/manage.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Export to .ico not working correctly - by PapaBear1 - 03-28-2022, 12:34 PM

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