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How can I do angle-based colors (like the Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon" album)
Good morning, everybody.

I'd like to ask how to draw colors in selections that are based on angles, for example, like on the cover of Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album, as such:

The width of the rainbow expands as it goes further away from the prism, and the width of each individual color expands right along with it at 1/6th the width of the total width at any given point along the rainbow. I know that I can easily hand-draw it, but then the ratios wouldn't be right, and it would look really, really, awfully, terribly unprofessional.

Also, while I'm on the topic, I'd like to also ask how I can do fuzzy blends of the same thing, for example such as something like this:
or this:

Thank you all in advance

Messages In This Thread
How can I do angle-based colors (like the Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon" album) - by ktaherig - 03-28-2019, 07:44 AM

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