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Is this Photoshop workflow reproducible?
There is a similar plugin to heal-selection, heal-transparency which might work in some circumstances but for your example, not really.
The quickest way is a straight selection -> copy -> paste. Move the floating selection over (shift + keyboard left arrow moves quickly) Repeat the ctl-v, shift + arrow key, to fill the empty area. The whole thing takes a couple of seconds.

A content aware type plugin. One of the gmic filters in the Repair section. This uses a painted in mask. Default is red, had to change to green for your example & constrained with a selection. Applying settings as shown: Gives a result like this:

Of course depends how keen you are, Basic Gimp, extending the gradient, becomes a judgement call on end colour:

Edit: Ah..linux gmic_gimp for linux compilations are IMHO a bit flaky at the moment (the one I used is compiled for my old homespun appimage. If using a flatpack then not going to work. Regular installations then there are two zips here: one for debian sid and one for 'buntu cosmic (Why no other versions I do not know)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Is this Photoshop workflow reproducible? - by rich2005 - 04-14-2019, 09:31 AM

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