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[split] Gimp settings reset after Windows update
After an apparent windows update last night sometime, my GIMP has been reset to all the Preferences. I must make all my personal settings again. When I go through the directory of GIMP, I cannot find a folder with any fonts, but I seem to have all of them when I tested the text tool. It seems every time I have an update, something goes haywire in my Gimp Program. I also welcome any suggestions. Also, there are no scripts, plug-in, etc. that I have added. It is as though I have a completely new install.

Messages In This Thread
[split] Gimp settings reset after Windows update - by Pat625 - 01-16-2020, 06:12 PM
RE: [split] Gimp settingq reset - by Ofnuts - 01-16-2020, 10:23 PM
RE: [split] Gimp settingq reset - by Pat625 - 01-18-2020, 04:42 AM

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