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Mouse drag and drop based functions not working

A day or so ago I started getting this issue that is making a lot of gimp functions nearly impossible to use. Drag and drop does not work in the gimp interface; to be more specific, things may "drag", but it will not specify a place for them to "drop". If I attempt to drag a layer, for instance, the layer follows my mouse location, but gimp does not show me the black line where it will be dropped, and letting go of the layer does not drop it in a new location, thus making moving the layer this way impossible.

Furthermore, I cannot place dockable dialogues within another ui box with dragging and dropping in this same manner, and, sometimes but not always, mousing along the menus at the top of the window does not open them up - it gets stuck on the first menu it opens.

I am running Gimp on Windows 10, and just updated to the latest Gimp version, but the problem persists.

Any help? This makes using gimp extremely awkward.

Messages In This Thread
Mouse drag and drop based functions not working - by BlackholeGP - 05-29-2017, 04:12 AM

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