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Creating a Clone mask using an image
(08-18-2020, 10:59 PM)mholder Wrote: "I need to use the clone tool to fill in the hexside slivers below the full hex depictions."

I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you are trying to do.  I do have some experience making hex maps and how the seams work on hexes.  If I had to guess, you need to figure out what the grid size would be, and instead of using the clone tool, use Gimp's ability to use full color bitmap brushes and simply paint the hexes (snapping to the grid) below the slivers.  I guess you mean the tile edges that extend beyond the hex borders when you say slivers.

Actually, I would use the pencil tool for the brush.  The paintbrush isn't sharp enough.

Also, this looks more like a spritesheet and it doesn't seem to conform to a hex grid layout, although the tiles are meant for hexes.
Hi mHolder,

It's from a game I play, but the terrain file is editable, and I'd prefer to have the terrain get darker with elevation instead of lighter. I've already adjusted the main hex depictions, which one can see at the top right of the 'Base Terrain' layer, but the hexsides are not so easy. I'd prefer to just copy/clone the texture of each respective hex elevation depiction to its associated hexside 'slivers' rather than painstakingly clone with 1 to 3 sized pixel toolls to make sure I don't alter the original shape. So, I was hoping that there was a way to use the clone tool to simply edit the slivers without having to worry about changing their shape. I don't need to add any hexes, since this is part of an already complete file (see the other layers) which the game uses; I'm just trying to change how they look. Hope that clears it up, and thanks for taking the time to reply  Smile

Messages In This Thread
Creating a Clone mask using an image - by rmmwilg - 08-18-2020, 09:57 PM
RE: Creating a Clone mask using an image - by rmmwilg - 08-19-2020, 02:09 AM

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