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How to wrap paragraph text in an image
Typically a job for a typesetting application such as Scribus.

With Gimp, a bit more labor intensive using the text tool:
  • Create the beginning of your text, and without leaving the text tool, move it over the shape (you can use Alt-Ctrl-Drag for this).
  • In the Tool options, set the box to "fixed", and make the box be a good fit for your shape (note that there will be asmall margin between the edge of the text and the box)
  • It can be useful to set the text as "Centered" in tge Tool options
  • Enter the text, making lines that are close enough to the required length
  • Using the on-canvas control to increase/decreae kerning in each line of text as required to make it fit. For small adjustments, you can select just the spaces

Messages In This Thread
RE: How to wrap paragraph text in an image - by Ofnuts - 08-12-2017, 01:41 PM

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