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Indexed PNG palette is randomised?
I'm making wallpapers for my Kindle 3, and in Photoshop, when I export a PNG using the Kindle palette, the image displays correctly on the Kindle.

But when I export an indexed PNG from GIMP, the colours in the image are all wrong. Opening the resulting PNG in Aseprite shows the palette colours to be in a completely random order than the palette I provided.

I can then correct this in Aseprite by converting to RGB, sorting the pallete in decending luminance, converting back to Indexed mode and then exporting the PNG.

But I was wondering if I could save myself these extra steps in an external program and just have GIMP respect the original palette when saving the PNG?

Messages In This Thread
Indexed PNG palette is randomised? - by Domarius - 11-29-2021, 06:20 PM

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