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Export to .ico not working correctly
Papabear said:   (But this does beg the question - if one can send only visible layers to .gif and to .tiff - why not .ico? I just don't see the reason for forcing the extra steps of creating some other file, opening that file, and then exporting again to an .ico...)

I think I have the solution you are looking for.  After you finish compositing the layer you intend to have visible, just drag it to the bottom of your layer stack, before exporting as an .ico file
As depicted in the attached ...below,  in the layers dialog on the far right.   You want the image you intend to have visible sitting in the slot that I've named "Bottom"
And then be sure in your export dialog to have a color depth specified for that layer (as I've specified " 8 bpp, 1-bit alpha, 256-slot palette"
And you'll be all set. The layers you've made invisible will be preserved, just not able to interfere with your image.
[Image: aDf9I9w.png]


Messages In This Thread
RE: Export to .ico not working correctly - by rickk - 03-25-2022, 03:49 AM

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