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Spoongraphics on Youtube vs. Blogging
A few das ago some new guy asked me about learning ressources for Gimp, and without putting much further thought into it, i said youtube.
I mean, i do search the web for all kinds of contents, but most of the time i find interesting tutorials on YT.

Now Spoongraphics posted a retrospective of 2017 on his website and reported that all his Youtube tutorials get more views compared to his written tutorial content.

167,699 : 8,779 views, to be precise. Quite a difference !

Which also explains how Nik Suporito can have over 73.000 subscribers for pretty basic Gimp and Inkscape tutorials.

Even more annoying: written tutorials take so much more time to produce, compared to a 20min video you record in one or three takes.

Messages In This Thread
Spoongraphics on Youtube vs. Blogging - by Espermaschine - 01-01-2018, 08:13 AM

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