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Python-Fu - pdb.query ; how to filter to readable output
Ah, great! That "Browse" button is great.

I googled (well, duckduckgo'd) "Python's comprehension", and took a look at

Whereas I can kind of follow what's being said in that tutorial, it's heavy slogging (i.e, <i>work</i>); I think I'll just make a mental not for now to absorb "comprehensions" as I mature in the use of Python, and just continue <i>play</i>ing for now so I don't lose interest. After recovering a bit from the brain-hurt of that site I found, I may muster up the courage to search for an easier-to-comprehend explanation.

Your code example is great, too! I don't completely comprehend what it's doing, but I get the gist, and can probably adapt it as needed in the future, to some extent.

I've found that a lot of tutorials are awful; this was one that at least got me started. But it wasn't long before I realized I wasn't really getting out of it what I needed. Still, it got my feet wet.

And finally, how does one go about suggesting corrections to the information presented by the "Browse" button. In this case, for the two "set color" commands:

1) the info window says the commands "get" the color rather than "set" the color,

2) the command is shown as hyphenated rather than underscored,

3) there really should be an example of how the command is called (the syntax)

If a Joe User such as myself could help to make GIMP/Python/Linux better make by making those corrections (or filing a bug against the documentation, etc), I'd like to help contribute to making things better.

Thanks for your reply! You've made things better, and I appreciate it!


Messages In This Thread
RE: Python-Fu - pdb.query ; how to filter to readable output - by DebianFanatic - 10-07-2018, 09:36 PM

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