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Pinball Playfield Restoration Question
I know this is a rather old topic, but I just found it and thought it would be the best place to try. I too am restoring a pinball playfield, and have limited artistic ability. The attached pic shows one of the areas I'm dealing with. The paint has flaked off in a number of areas including the lettering and across colors. My thought was to use Gimp to fix the defects in the scan, then separate the colors into layers and use those to drive a stencil cutting machine. I know I can use frisket for major areas of color, but the finer detailed areas seem daunting, and getting the correct lettering, shadowing, etc. seems too difficult for m limited skill, hence the desire to do it via stencil. Any suggestions on where/how to start would be greatly appreciated!


Messages In This Thread
RE: Pinball Playfield Restoration Question - by Gimp_Rules - 10-22-2019, 06:15 PM

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