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App "Unable to Start Correctly" Error 0xc000007b
#5 are very new to Gimp...

Gimp is developed in linux, (no dll's there) and much of Gimp is based on the plugin concept.  You have already found the Windows installation directory, C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins Best thing to do with that is leave it alone. If a plugin has a dependency (maybe in Windows, a dll) it will be in the main Gimp bin folder.

There is another folder for Gimp User added plugins C:\Users\"yourname"\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\2.10\plug-ins  A plugin can be compiled or it might be a script, Gimp accepts python script as a plugin  Either of those, compiled or python, go in that folder.  These are accessed via the Gimp menu.

There is the occasional Gimp plugin that has additional dependencies. A good example of this is the gimp_gmic_qt plugin That has a raft of QT dependencies, QT is usually present in linux but not in Windows. The plugin comes with those dependencies as dll files. All installed in a single folder in the User plug-ins folder. Still the same in Gimp, it is accessed from the Gimp menu. Install that and have a look.

It is not impossible to run a plugin via command line but it still uses Gimp. it is not stand-alone. This example from the Gimp documents
gimp -i -b '(simple-unsharp-mask "foo.png" 5.0 0.5 0)' -b '(gimp-quit 0)'

Quote:... notice that numerous individual plugins (folders) in GIMP do not show up in the program itself as plugins. They are not listed at all. This is why I assumed that the individual folders need to be opened and executed.

Why do you say that? Your example "cartoon.exe" is in the Gimp Menu: Filters -> Artistic -> Cartoon (legacy)

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RE: App "Unable to Start Correctly" Error 0xc000007b - by rich2005 - 09-02-2020, 03:31 PM

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