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wacom buttons
I do not know.
My Wacom tablet is ancient, but it still works as well as it ever has, using Gimp 2.10
Plugged in, it shows in Edit -> Input Devices. In Edit -> Preferences -> Input Controllers there is no wacom entry. This is what shows here:

Looking for advice on the internet and only find either, use xwacomsetup or whatever gui is provided by the Linux DE. Certainly found one used by gnome DE. What linux and DE you are using ? Can you ask on your distro forum ?

Never been there before but there is a wacom forum. maybe post a question there.

A search on my computer kubuntu 20.04 / Gimp 2.10.24 only comes up with KDE files. For Gimp, the controller settings are in your Gimp profile, the file controllerrc and settings from Input devices such as pressure curves are in the file devicerc.

Messages In This Thread
wacom buttons - by aka - 09-08-2021, 05:39 AM
RE: wacom buttons - by rich2005 - 09-08-2021, 08:43 AM
RE: wacom buttons - by aka - 09-09-2021, 05:26 PM
RE: wacom buttons - by rich2005 - 09-09-2021, 08:03 PM
RE: wacom buttons - by aka - 09-10-2021, 12:26 PM
RE: wacom buttons - by rich2005 - 09-10-2021, 07:16 PM

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