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Portable - correct way to create folders?
I played around for some time on this yesterday. I did get that strange loading everything in terminals effect and do not know why. More time spent today in a more methodical manner.

First of all, the monster that is the samj portable Gimp for Windows. Much the same as a regular Gimp except it includes the equivalent of the Gimp user profile, a folder Preferences. I only mention this because same as a regular Gimp it create & writes settings somethingrc files there.

One of those files is gimprc which holds the paths you write when adding folders using Edit -> Preferences -> Folders

Some grouped screenshots:
When the portable Gimp is launched the 'launcher' (1) queries Drive letters etc and sets the Gimp variables accordingly.
You can still add additional paths to folders, I am using a gimp-extras/plugins (/fonts / scripts) on the USB drive, obviously these take the Drive letter that is assigned (2) . If you inspect the gimprc file that is created then you see the extra path (3)

More grouped screenshots:
You can edit gimprc to include "possible" drive letters that might occur when using a different computer (4) Use a decent text editor such as notepad++
Running Gimp portable in another machine those paths are scanned, false ones are ignored but the folder on the USB is recognized. (5) A quick check for a plugin, a little one I use which was added to the gimp-extras/plugins folder. (6)

Is it worth the effort ? IMHO no. The Preferences folder structure included in the samj portable is the best place to add your resources.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Portable - correct way to create folders? - by rich2005 - 09-12-2021, 11:37 AM

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