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Change color intensity stroking along a path
(09-27-2021, 07:22 AM)Ofnuts Wrote: OK, good to know. So we just need a script that goes from a long string of anchors to multiple paths with just two anchors Smile

I don't know what you are after but I guess you know it best. I made such plugin: it chops a path at its anchors into small paths. I hope this is what you meant.

To get the plugin, go to

and click the bottom Download button. Unzip. Put the file in the user's plug-ins folder. Restart Gimp. In the Paths tab, right-click the path you want to chop. Follow the links

Tools > Modify path > ...

and click "Chop the path at its anchors". Press OK. See the result.

Optionally you can, instead of getting a long list of 2-anchor paths as the result, tell the plugin to merge them down into one path with 2-anchor strokes.

I must say that I am always very much amazed when I manage in something so easily. The secret here is the data structures that I developed for my Parametric curves. And all the other pieces of code that I have been amassing. And the experience. If I had to do this using only how Gimp represents paths natively (x,y,x,y,x,y,...) I probably wouldn't even have tried.

If the plugin works wrong or if it is not quite what was needed, just tell me. If instead of a plugin you need a function to be embedded in another plugin, please use the code freely.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Change color intensity stroking along a path - by Ottia Tuota - 09-27-2021, 02:24 PM

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