08-23-2022, 05:49 PM
I'm using GIMP 2.10.31 on MacOS Monterey. I installed the resynthesizes plugin but get an error "'plug-in-resynthesizer' not found" when trying to heal an area. I found a help article that directs users to create a new dynamic link:
It turns out that the plugin uses a newer dynamic library than what I have on Catalina. In detail, both resynthesizer and resynthesizer_gui are linked against the dynamic library with the name
, but on Catalina I only have the earlier version
. Normally I get the opposite problem that software links against outdated older libraries, but in this case it seems to work to simply make a symbolic link to the existing library to pretend this is also a version 9 library. On my system I found
in directory
. Thus, the command to establish that link is:
After restarting Gimp and trying again it should work
The problem is that I don't have /usr/local/lib on my Mac
I have /usr/lib but when running the last command I get an error "libintl.9.dylib: Operation not permitted"
Any ideas how to fix this?
It turns out that the plugin uses a newer dynamic library than what I have on Catalina. In detail, both resynthesizer and resynthesizer_gui are linked against the dynamic library with the name
, but on Catalina I only have the earlier version
. Normally I get the opposite problem that software links against outdated older libraries, but in this case it seems to work to simply make a symbolic link to the existing library to pretend this is also a version 9 library. On my system I found
in directory
. Thus, the command to establish that link is:
cd /usr/local/lib
ln -s libintl.8.dylib libintl.9.dylib
The problem is that I don't have /usr/local/lib on my Mac

Any ideas how to fix this?