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Can I both stretch and outline the same text?
I need to place text over image, and then both stretch text vertically and add a black outline.

I have stretched it successfully using Layer > Scale layer. Could not outline from there.

Also I have successfully outlined the text by selecting text and then choosing Create Path from text. Add a transparent layer under text. Select from path...
Outline looks great, but Could not stretch it taller from there.Confused

These operations are all new to me.

The final form of the resulting image needs to be a jps with dpi, 1400x1400 pixel minimum, and ideally 300 dpi.   So, some other programs were ruled out.

Also unsuccessful Looking for a condensed font that could look attractive without being stretched.

Thank you so much for your help.

Messages In This Thread
Can I both stretch and outline the same text? - by ddncn - 06-26-2017, 06:44 PM

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