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PSD files are exported but stretched
I have encountered a problem with exporting .psd files.  I have just uninstalled and reinstalled GIMP because I knew that the export worked before.  Now, after the reinstall, the first export to psd worked perfectly.  When I tried the second time, it exported, but when I loaded it back in it was scaled too wide.  I noticed this when I tried to use a GIMP exported psd file in ACES Image Tool.  It would not load in.  Instead, the tool just went away.  I have ways of working around this problem but maybe it's a bug in the add-on.

Thanks in advance for any comment made about this issue.

Frank Huh

Messages In This Thread
PSD files are exported but stretched - by FrankJClarke - 07-29-2020, 07:35 PM

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