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  What algorithm is used for CMYK component extraction in gimp 2.10?
Posted by: leopardyao - 07-01-2022, 04:48 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (5)

Dear Experts,
My gimp version is 2.10.22
For one of my project ,  I can see high contrast when I extract the "cmyk Yellow" component of the image.
I did this through colors-extract componet.

However if I try to recover this in other software or in programming,  the result differs.
For example, for one of the pixel value RGB= (150,136, 146) in my picture.
if I use gimp, the yellow channel gives pixel value 15.

But if I follow the popular formula here: 
or similarly follow the gimp github source code, gimp_rgb_to_cmyk
I got sth different:
CMYK percentage
0.0, 0.09, 0.03, 0.41
in 255 it is: (so yellow channel is 6)
array([  0,  23,   6, 105], dtype=uint8)
I tried to adjust the pullout but it seems not easy to get gimp CMYK results  matching with formula o

I do undestand there is no general formula between RGB to CMYK and sometimes icc profile is needed.
So the question is , what kind of algorithm is behind GIMP "CMYK yellow" channel extraction, is it by some icc profile? if so which? or if there is some gimp formula?

Thank you very much!

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  New style for inline code
Posted by: Ofnuts - 06-30-2022, 02:31 PM - Forum: Gimp-Forum.net - Replies (2)

Changed the style for inline code (which until now was shown with a small border) which you can enter by bracketing your text with backticks.  The border didn't do much good for readability, so I removed it, and found other ways (technically: font-family:Monospace; font-weight: bold; filter: contrast(50%);). Tell me how it looks (especially people using the dark theme).

Since this is applied at presentation time (the text is kept with backticks in the database), this change applies to all existing posts.

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Big Grin SPAM: Give some power to your beloved members.
Posted by: PixLab - 06-30-2022, 04:29 AM - Forum: Gimp-Forum.net - Replies (2)

Spam... I see them more and more often.

The Report button is not enough IMHO, from my time zone it can happens that I still see a spam in cyrillic promoting porn or an idiot titling about taxes and spamming a snorkeling website and pretending that our "knowledge concerning the things" thus showing no idea what GF is about... I see them for the next 6/8 hours or more until an admin wakes up from its time zone, it hurts my eyes  Big Grin

Two suggestions if I may:
- As no one here write cyrillic, and russian spammers are very-very stubborn, why not detect a first post from new member (less than 3 messages) in cyrillic, if cyrillic, unsubscribe him, delete session and redirect the spammer to example.com

English and other Latin characters...
- If a long term member or a well known member, or a member above a certain number of posts,  report a spam with the report button, the spam post goes into a "garage" and does not appear on the forum, Admins will decide if spam or not when they wake up in their time zone.
- If multiple short term members (members who have few posts and/or few months on GF with few messages), report a spam, like 3 members report the same spam, then same as above, the spam goes in a "garage" and does not appears until an Admin decide if spam or not
- Or a mix of both above.

Lovely Admins, what do you think?

PS: A good add-on, If a member has reported 10 true spams, s/he has the right to change the "title" under their avatar for what s/he want ("Obsessive Gimper" for the rest of my life? I want to cry Cry )

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Photo Error overwriting images - Input/Output error
Posted by: Pandam - 06-29-2022, 05:35 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

I've been working on GIMP 2.10 (On Windows 10) for quite some time. For a few months I have had no problem overwriting images for a Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion retexture mod, but over a month or two ago I started noticing this message appearing when I try to overwrite images


I have no idea what this means, and this could be a problem outside of GIMP. Any ideas on what might be happening/How I can fix this?  Undecided

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  Batch processing - detecting various colours to crop to edge of scanned document JPG?
Posted by: mkilpatr - 06-29-2022, 11:43 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (13)

Hello all,

I have just learnt to use gimp in batch processing mode to autocrop a directory of JPG images which are scans of documents (music manuscript paper). I've used this in a Windows cmd shell.

I have A LOT of these directories of scans. A lot of them will crop nicely with "plug-in-autocrop" if the background from the scanner is white: the result is usually a remnant border of about 15 pixes of white around each edge of the image. That's fine.

However, when some of the smaller documents are scanned, within the thin white border around the JPG image there are also areas of black, grey-blue or off-white, presumably depending on how the scanner was setup and what was behind the document. Sadly, the scans do not conveniently provide a clean, autocropable background.

The manuscript papers are all a typical beige hue or off-white, and some (we're talking 1930s) are a richer, more orangy-beige than others.

Is there a relatively manageable way of detecting where the off-colour border ends and where the beige/orange/off-white paper begins so that I can automate this cropping using gimp-crop-image?

Perhaps sampling for a range of beige colours expected for the paper and thus intelligently detect the edge of the paper? Or would that be a total nightmare?

I am attaching an example JPG (one that doesn't have any music written on the manuscript paper).

Working this out from scratch, if it's even doable, would probably take me weeks of learning. Maybe someone has some similar scripts which could be adapted?


By the way, there is an alternatve. As all the scans are in the same orientation - any excess border is always to the right and to the bottom of the manuscript paper, is it possible to have a script that runs in the graphical user interface such that GIMP can bring up each image in turn from the folder, allow me to click on the bottom right corner of the paper and for GIMP then to crop and save to that corner, save the result, close it and and bring up the next image without lots of mouse clicks?

That would be perfectly acceptable.

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  Missing tool option on Mac M1
Posted by: Bhang - 06-28-2022, 11:40 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

When I select the clone stamp or heal brush I do not have any options to modify the brush such as: Size, Angle etc. On the other side of the window above my Layers pallet I do see a parameter for Spacing crammed in there, but this is the only thing that is available and I'm not even sure its related to my clone or heal tool. Is there a way to get these options to show up? I have checked online and have found nothing yet that works, like resetting the tool, which doesn't appear to do anything.
 I'm on a Mac M1 Pro running MacOS Moneterey 12.4. 
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Question How to install plugins/scripts in folders?
Posted by: Krikor - 06-28-2022, 04:02 PM - Forum: Windows - Replies (8)

Hi there!

I always used the installation of my plugins/scripts creating a custom folder (MyPlugins) in C:\Gimp-2.10.32_Portable_32-64bit-Win\Preferences\plug-ins\MyPlugins and inside it I insert the plugins; as the image below:
Is there any mandatory way to install plugins / scripts in folders?
Inside folders? Names without spaces?

What is the official way to add plugins/scripts to the directory in Preferences?

Note, that the way I've done it (see image above) the plugins/scripts work. Exclamation

However, I'm having problems with the new version 2.10.32 Samj's Portable, and apparently the problem seems to go away when I remove my folders that contain my plugins and scripts (with all their contents).


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  Help With Color Seperation
Posted by: zodiakteez - 06-28-2022, 12:15 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (3)

I am new to using Gimp, I am trying to take an image and separate the colors for screen printing.

I have tried following different video & online articles that explain the process however I continue to run into issues, perhaps I am not understanding the issue or I am using an image that cant be separated?

I have included a couple of attachments to show what I am trying to separate and I will also show what results I have achieved.

Image 1 - is the image created using a photo then adding text

I tried to separate the first color flesh/skin by :
selecting the color tool
I then clicked on the skin of the image
I copied the selection(ctrl+C)
I pasted the image(ctrl+V)
I clicked on the floating layer and clicked new layer
Image 2 is what appeared ( the black outline of the wrestler)

However when I would repeat this step for the next color ex. the red background behind the wrestler I would get nothing.

Is the problem the image I am using or something I am doing?

Thanks for any all information.

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  Clone sample from one layer
Posted by: pbacot - 06-28-2022, 12:27 AM - Forum: General questions - Replies (2)

I am using 2.10. On the Mac. I have used the Clone tool before and mostly it is working OK. However I can’t get it to clone (sample) from an individual layer. I select a layer to be active and set the source with the command key, I then set the layer on which I want to paint to be active, but it only paints with the overall image from ALL visible layers, including the one I am painting on.
The only way I can restrict the clone to a single static image is to put the image in a separate file as my source for the clone.
I am modifying grass for rendering and using an image of a lawn for my clone source. I can’t use the overall results as this creates a mess with the tool picking up what I just painted for subsequent passes.

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  Change filter icon sizes
Posted by: PickyBiker - 06-27-2022, 11:09 PM - Forum: General questions - Replies (5)

How does one change the size of the filter sizes in the Top Right of the user interface??

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